Judging Critique – West Of England Bull Terrier Club, June 2013

I’ve been typing out Bull Terrier judging critiques for around 12 years now – mainly for the BTM magazine and more recently for this site – but I can safely say the latest is as big and comprehensive as I can recall, certainly the biggest I’ve made available to download from this site. It’s written … Read more

Judging Critique – South Eastern Counties Bull Terrier Club, June 2013

Steve Paterson of the Golitha Bull Terriers is a well known face around the show rings of Britain and has had some great success in recent years. But here we find him as a judge down at the South Eastern Counties Bull Terrier Club Open Show, his critique of the day (and a very good … Read more

Judging Critique – Southern Counties Championship Show, June 2013

As far back as I can remember, the month of June has always been the most hectic month for the breeds’ show fraternity, – eight and nine events taking place is quite normal. First on the list in 2013 was the Southern Counties Championship Show, with the Bull Terrier judge on the day being Gaye … Read more

Judging Critique – Scottish Kennel Club Championship Show, May 2013

One of the longest journeys for many exhibitors is the trip up to the Scottish Kennel Club Championship Show. That also applies to the judges, certainly in the case of Mark Phillips in 2013 – making his way up from the South of England to officiate on the day. To find out what happened back … Read more

Judging Critique – Birmingham National Championship Show, May 2013

All Championship Shows are equal in terms of what you can win, but some are undoubtedly bigger than others – and as far as the general shows go the Birmingham ‘National’ Championship Show is definitely one of those. Dr Brian Hill was handed the task of judging the breed at the event in 2013, his … Read more