Judging Critique – Birmingham National Championship Show, May 2014

Here’s a rather unusual occurrence, an overseas all-rounder given the task of judging the breed at the Birmingham National Championship Show in May 2014. The guy in question has been written about as being ‘the most famous dog judge in Holland’ and he is Hans Van Den Berg. The resulting critique penned by Hans is … Read more

Judging Critique – Notts & Derby District Bull Terrier Club, April 2014

It is common at Limit Shows for the classes to be split between two up and coming judges in the breed, and so was the case at the Notts & Derby District Bull Terrier Club Limit Show back in April of 2014. On this occasion the two judges were Lowisa Grieves of the Meilow kennel … Read more

Judging Critique – Northern Provincial Bull Terrier Club, April 2014

The first Northern Provincial Bull Terrier Club event of the year was their Open Show held back in April. Judge on the day was Alison Roberts of the Teirwgwyn kennel. Alison’s judging critique is the latest to be typed up, turned into a PDF file and made available for download – if it’s one you’d … Read more

Judging Critique – National Terrier Championship Show, April 2014

Les Aspin is an all-rounder judge who has judged the Bull Terrier breed on several occasions, most recently at the main Terrier event on the calendar – the National Terrier Club Championship Show, which took place in April. The resulting critique is the latest to be added to the BTM archives for download – if … Read more

Judging Critique – South Eastern Counties Bull Terrier Club, March 2014

Bill Leslie has been in and around the breed for a very long time and is known mostly for his Billmaris kennel. Earlier this year however, he was to be found inside the ring in a judging capacity at the South Eastern Counties Bull Terrier Club Championship Show, as such handing out some big prizes … Read more

Judging Critique – Yorkshire Bull Terrier Club, March 2014

One of the biggest Shows I can ever remember attending back in the 1990’s was a Yorkshire Bull Terrier Club Championship Show at the old venue in Normanton – the entry was huge and you could hardly get in the place. Sadly these days the entries aren’t as high but a Yorkshire BTC Championship Show … Read more